Resumen del libro adrian mole

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This book tells the story of Adrian Mole. Adrian is a boy of fifteen, with concerns that a boy his age can have. He lives with his parents and his dog, the dog is a dog lover. Adrian has a girlfriend, Pandora, which is a feminist. Adrian tells her day to day life through her diary. He tells us what happens to his girlfriend; she left him, but later returned. With their parents, he will live many problems since his mother is pregnant, something very bad for Adrian. But his father made pregnant a stick insect as well. This will cause his parents were away and living for a time apart. In Adrian's life are also her grandmother, with whom he does not take very well, and Bert and Queenie, to which helps.
Finally, the book we see the concerns of a normal teenager, with changes in their body because of age, their frustrations, and his first start on sex.

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