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Marie is likely to leave the store. IS LIKELY CP-C’-C 0-TP-T’- T is AdjP-A’-A likely CP-C’-C 0-TP -T’- T to VP DP Marie –V’-V leave DP-D’-D the NP store. Mov: DP to 1st TP and then to top TP first movement is to satisfy EPP, second one to search case in a finite TP. The money was hidden in the drawer.          PASSIVE CP-C’-C 0-TP-T’- T was VP-V’ -V’ V hidden ?theme /ti (the money) NO CASE goes to top TP to search nominative case. PP-P’ P in DP the drawer. Tiffany is not taking her syntax class until next year. CONTINUOUS CP-C’-C 0-TP DP Tiffany-T’- T NegP-Neg’ Neg not VP-V’-V be+ing VP t (Tiffany goes to top TP)V’-V’ V take DP-D’ D her NP-N’ AdjP syntax N class. Inside V’ PP-P’-P until DP-D’ D NP-N’ AdjP next N year. Mov: V-T (be) and affix lowering (ing) I have always loved peanut butter. PERFECT CP-C’-C 0-TP-T’- T-VP-V’-Vperf have+en VP- DP I V’-AdvP always V’-V love DP peanut butter. Movements: V to T mov. DP mov. And affix lowering. I do not love peanut butter. NEGATIVE.CP-C’-C 0-TP-T’- T do insertion NegP-Neg’-Neg not VP-DP I V’-V love DP peanut butter. Mov. DP mov. Martha often thinks Kim hates phonology. WITH ADVERB CP-C’-C 0-TP-T’- T s-VP DP Martha raises to top TP -V’-AdvP often-V’-V think CP-C’-C 0-TP Kim-T’- T-VP –DP Kim (raises to second TP)-V’-V hate DP phonology. Mov: DP mov and affix lowering. Do you like peanut butter?  QUESTION WITH DO CP-C’-C [+Q]-TP-T’- T do-VP-DP you-V’-V  like DP peanut butter. Mov. Do in T raises to C and DP moves to TP.   Have you always loved peanut butter? CP-C’-C [+Q]-TP-T’- T-VP-V’-V perf have +en VP-DP you V’-AdvP always V’-V love DP peanut butter. Mov. Affix lowering en to love. Have raises to T and then to C. Are you always so obtuse? CP-C’-C [+Q]-TP-DP you T’- T are AdjP- AdvP always AdjP- AdvP so Adj’-Adj obtuse. Mov. T-C Will you bring your spouse? CP-C’-C [+Q]-TP-T’- T will-VP-V’-V bring DP-D’-D your NP spouse. Mov. T-c (will) and DP mov.  Has the food been eaten?  CP-C’-C 0-TP-T’- T s-VP-V’-V perf have+en VP-V’-V be+en VP-V’-V eat DP the food. Mov: DP, have raises to T and then to C, affix lowering en to be and en to eat. All the men: DP2-D2-D2 all DP1-D1-D1 the NP men Donny is likely to have been kissed by the puppy: CP-C’-C nom case-TP-T’- T is [nom]- AdjP likely CP-C’-C 0-TP Dp- mov. Non finite T, no case-T’- T to-VP-V’-V perf have+en VP-V’-Vpass be+en VP-V’-V’- V kiss DP Donny PP by DP the puppy (comes from penúltimo V’). Mov: donny to TP and to top TP, affix lowering en to be and en to kiss.  It seems that Sonny loves Cher. CP-C’-C 0-TP expletive insertion it-T’- T s-VP-V’-V seem CP-C’-C that TP-DPI (nom) Sonny. T’-T s VP-ti ?roleV’-V love DP Cher. Mov: affix lowering to seem. ti  to DP. Affix low to love. Has the rice been eaten? CP-C’-C 0-TP-T’- T s-VP-V’-V pass have+en VP-V’-V be+en VP-V’-V eat DP the rice. Mov: DP and T-C What is bothering you? CP (wh-feature here)-C’-C [+Q, +WH]-TP (case and epp here)-T’- T [nom][pres]-VP-V’-V is+ing VP (theta here)-DP[nom] what. V’-V bother DP[acc] you. Mov: is moves to T and then to C. what moves to TP and then to CP. Ing lowers to bother. Who has seen my snorkel? CP (wh-feature)-C’-C [+Q, +WH]-TP (case and epp)-T’- T [nom][pres]-VP-V’-V has+en VP (theta)-DP [nom] who V’-V see DP my snorkel. Mov: who to TP and CP. Has to T and then to C.  How was the plot discovered by the authorities? CP (WH features on how)-C’-C signo -[+Q, +WH] 0-TP-T’- T was VP first V’-V’ PP (by the authorities), second V’ V’ and AdvP how. Third V’ V discovered and DP the plot. Mov: was to C. the plot to under WH (signal with two dashes). How to CP wh-mov. Which animals appear to have lost their collars? CP (wh-features here)-C’-C [+Q, +WH]-TP (case and EPP here)-T’- T[pres]-VP-V’-V appear CP CP-C’-C [-wh]-TP (epp here)-T’- T to-VP-V’-V  have+en VP(theta role here)- from VP left: DP-D’-D[+WH] which NP animals. Right: V’-V lose DP their collars. Mov: which animals to TP to the other TP and finally CP. Affix lowering to appear and lose.Car sales...(DP mov from Spec V to Spec T). Have you seen my model...(head-to-head mov of the aux from T to C) Can you find the lightbulb...(head-to-head of modal T to C) John was bitten..(DP mov from V-comple into Spec T passive configuration). It is likely that Tami (expletive insertion in Spec T). Tamy is likely (DP-mov of the DP from Spec V into Spec T). It seems that Susy was (explet insert in matrix Spec T and DP mov of the DP from V-compl into embedded Spec T). susy seems to be...(cyclikc DP-mov from V-complement into embedded empty Spec, T for the EPP+further mov into Spec T to check Case, passive config. What did you buy at the? Wh-mov from V-comple into spec C [+q+wh] and do-insetion in matrix T and then T-C mov. I asked what Beth bought at (wh-mov from V-compl into embedded Spec C). What is it likely for Beth to have bought at? (expletive isertion in matrix Spec, T, wh-mov of the wh-prhase from V.comple into matrix Spec C[+q+wh] through empty embedded Spec C). What is likely to have been bought at? (wh-mov and NP mov of the wh-phrase from V-compl into matrix Spec t through empty embedded spec, T ad then into spec C[++q+wh], passive config. UNGRAMMATICALITY. *It seems Sony to love Cher. Sony cannot get case from a non-finite T “to love”. Sony needs to get raised into finite T, we omit expletive it.  *Bill was bitten the dog: the verb cannot assign accusative case to its object because en-affix has absorbed the external theta role. Violation of Case filter because NPs/Dps must be marked with case. Also violation of theta criterion. *Donny is likely that left. No reason for NP movement because NP Donny get Case from the lower T “left.” Theta roles must be assigned within the same clause that includes the predicate. (Violation of the locality condition on theta role assignment. If Donny remains in the embedded clause and expletive it is inserted to satisfy the EPP it turns grammatical.

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