Ingles condicional

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Oraciones Condicionales
Primera Condicional:Presente Simple_____,Futuro Simple.If i earn a lot money, I will buy a new house.Segunda Condicional.Past Simple(second columna)_______,Condicional Simple,If i earned a lot money, I would(wouldn´t) buy a new house. Tercera Condicion Past Perfect________,Condicional+have(tercera columna) If i had earned a lot of money, I would have bought a new house Oraciones Temporales Whem: cuandoAs soon: tan pronto comoOnce: una vezBefore: antesAfter: despuésUntil:hasta Make and DoDo: todas las que empiezapor a. Ejmplos. Geography, the washing. Make: las que empieza por las demas letras y las cosas que se hacen.Ejemplos: Acake, a cup tea. Sports Play: deportes de pelota. Footbal, golf,basketball.Go: acabado en ing. Running, mailing.
Do: otros deportes. Gymnastics, aerobics,
Also:Tambien delante del verbo. In addition: a demas final oracion. Finally: finalmente.Too: tambien.
My Brother, Jaime, loves doing sport. He enjoys playing football at the weekends. In addition, he goes swimming twice a week and goes to the gym sometime too. He thinks that doing sport can relieve his anxiety when he has to study for exams and also feels that doing sport is a good way to meet people. This year he is playing football in a towns team, where he has a lot of friends. By doing sport he keeps fit and healthy.Finally exercising regularly helps Jaime keep his spirits high.

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