Reading ingles 2

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Meet the Metrolescents
1-a)(P1)To track people down;to control teenagers:to know where the teenager is.b)(P2)a beller lerm might be Metrolescents,whose defining characteristic would be,in the age all the internet and the all-powerful teen media,that they united,bonded,on the same web page like never before.2-a)T(Then,intead of worrying...street diagrams)b)T(we might be seeinga new...might be Metrolescents)c)F(In the era..part of everything)3-a)Fashions b)powerful c)devices d)spread 4-1.a 2.a 3.c
Amphibians may soon disappear
2-a)F(one-third to one-half of all species of frogs are in danger of becoming extinct in the near future)b)T(amphibians exist worldwide and most of them are frogs and toads)c)F(the skin is highly permeable to water)3-a)moistened b)petition c)concern d)rate 3-1.a 2.c 3.c

Britains mean streets
2-a)T(The English boys and girls who casually pick fights are often fuelled by cheap alcohol)b)F(As Gordon Brown has recently said:kids are out of control..knifr crime)c)T(it may be that parents arent always around to help socialise their children or even just to show them affection)3.a)significant b)encounters c)frightened d)worried 4-1.b 2.b 3.a
Addicted to her mobile
1-a)It is a case of addition in which the person experience a high when they recieve a message bleep from their mobile.b)Because she cant live without looking at her mobile every two minutes.2-a)F(line 5)b)F(line 14)c)T(line 4-5)3-a)preoccupied b)nonsensical c)mute d)top 4-1.c 2.b 3.b

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