Apuntes, resumenes, trabajos, examenes y problemas de Inglés de Formación Profesional

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Verbos irregulares

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be-was/were-been ser o estar
bear-bore-borne aguantar
beat-beat beaten ganar
become-became-become convertirse en
begi-began-begun enpezar
bend-bent-bent doblar
bet-bet-bet apostar
bite-bit-bitten morder
bleed-bled-bled sangrar
blow-blew-blown soplar
break-broke-broken ronper
burn-burned burned kemar
buy-bought-bought comprar
catch-caught-caught coger
chose-chose-chosen elegir
come-came-come venir
cost-cost-cost costar
cut-cut-cut cortar
dig-dug-dug cavar
do-did-done hacer
draw-drew-drawn dibujar
dream-dreamed-dreamed soñar
drink-drank-drunk beber
drive-drove-driven conducir
eat-ate-eaten comer
fall-fell-fallen caer
feed-fed-fed dar de comer
feel-felt-felt sentir
fight-foughat-fought pelear
find-found-found encontrar
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My personal description

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hello my nameis  was born in Malaga but I live in a village in the valley
guadalhorce called Alhaurin el Grande. I am dark brown hair,brown eyes and my height is
of 1.73 cm. I like painting and music out walking the dog, in my opinion know this topic is very
important because:  "en mi opinion conocer este tema es muy inportante ya que" I think it is: "me parece que es muy"
in my village there are two main festivals of which is the day of the cross (green) and the day of Jesus (the purple).
the day of the cross will be held from 1 to 3 May and people leave the mountain to
grab rosemary on the ground after throwing the streets and impregnating with its
aroma, then leave the procession and Nazarenes. Jesus' day was held from July 12 to 15... Continuar leyendo "My personal description" »


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1) SERVICIOS Telefonia + red digital de servicios integrados (TB + RDSI)Telecomunicaciones de banda ancha (teleco de banda ancha TLCA) - Servicios de acceso fijo inalambrico(SAFÍ)- Radiodifusion y televisión (RTV) 2)ARQUETAS Y REGISTROSArquetas: de entrada Registros:de enlace, principal, secundario, de terminacion de red (xa ·TB+RDSI ·Servi banda ancha ·RTV), de toma y de paso. 3)CANALIZACIONES: Canalizacion externa: desde la arqueta de entrada hasta el punto de entrada al inmueble (registro de enlace), sistema de captacion hasta el pasamuro Canalizacion de enlace:Inferior: desde el registro de enlace hasta el registro principal(RITI).Superior: desde el pasamuro hasta el registro principal superior (RITS) Canalizacion principal: (distribucion)... Continuar leyendo "Ict ITS" »

Informe de

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  • What is a computer?
  • Do you have a computer? What kind is it?
  • What is hardware?
  • What is software?
  • Function of the CPU
  • What are the main parts of the CPU?
  • What is the function of the main memory?
  • How are peripherals classified?
  • What types of computers do you know? Which one do you prefer for you own personal use? Why?
  • What is the difference between RAM and ROM?
  • How can RAM be increased?
  • What is the function of the system clock?
  • What is a bus?
  • Explain the binary code
  • What is the function of the keyboard?
  • What is the function of the mouse?
  • What is the function of the scanner? How does it work?
  • What types of scanner so you know?
  • What types of screen display do you know?
  • What is resolution?
  • What is the difference among CRT, LCD, OLEDs and plasma screens?
  • What
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O NDAS: es una propagación de una perturbación de alguna propiedad de un medio,que se propaga a través del espacio transportando energía.Tipos de Ondas:Segun las dimensiones de propagacion: 1)Unidimensionales:la onda se propaga en una direccion.2)Bidimensionales:La onda se propaga en una superficie plana.3) Tridimensionales:La onda se propaga en las 3 direcciones del espacio.Segun el tipo de medio en el k se propagan:1)O.Mecanicas:nez un medio material para propagarse.Ej:sonido.O.Electromagneticas:se propagan tambien en el vacio.Ej:luz.Segun la direccion en k vibran la particulas del medio en relacion a la direccion de propagacion de la onda.1)O.Longitudinales:Las particulas del medio vibran en la misma direcion en la k avanza la perturbacion.... Continuar leyendo "Rrrv" »


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3.2.la marcha al poder dl fscismo: el fndador dl fascismo - fue Benito mussolini,paso d liderar el ala radicl dl partidosocialsta a convertirs en nacionalista extremo,director dl periodico il popolo d´italia,dsde el k exigia una agresiva plitica exterior y una dura politica anticomunista dntro d italia.Fundo en milan los fascios italianos d combate,un grupo paramilitar caracter ultranacionalsta cuyos miembros s iddentifica-ban xla camisa negra y un gorro militar,estaba compuesto x antiguos anarkistas y sindicalistas revolucionarios,socialistas - partidarios d la intervencion d italia en la gerra ligados a musolini.los fascistas se erigieron en los defensores a ultranza d las reivindicacions nacionalistas dentro d un programa socialsta revolucionario.... Continuar leyendo "4" »


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A mi me gusta ir a casa de mi tía Carmen en vacaciones de verano, porque ella tiene una casa muy grande donde casi toda la familia se reúnen. La casa está situada en el corazón de la Costa del Sol, cerca de la playa y junto al park. atracciones Tivoli / carmen Villa es un chalet independiente con 4bedrom, 3bathr, un gran salón con chimenea y una cocina espaciosa. También tiene una terraza y porche de una. todo esto en un leves.Bellow hay un garaje y un apartamento de huéspedes separado con un dormitorio y un bathroom.We puede tomar el sol en nuestra piscina privada y tenemos algunas barbacoas en el garden. / La casa está situada en un barrio tranquilo , pero cerca de la estación de tren, autobuses, supermercados y restaurants.It '

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What is the basic difference between a logographic writing system and a phonographic writing system?

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Main characteristics of alphabetic writing.

Firs of all we can say that the symbols can be used to represent single sounds types in a language.This is the basis of alphabetic writing.On the other hand an alphabet is essentially a set of written symbols which each represent a single type of sound.The alphabets of arabic and hebrew languages,even in their modern versions,largely consist of consonant symbols.This early form of alphabetic script,originating in the writing system of the phoenicians is the generalm source of most other alphabets to be found in the world.From the Greeks alphabet passed to the rest of Western Europe vía the romans an it underwent several modifications to fit the requirements of the spoken languages encountered.... Continuar leyendo "What is the basic difference between a logographic writing system and a phonographic writing system?" »

Where is the pharynx and how did it become an important part of human sound production

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The Physical Adaptation source
Another speculation about the origins of human speech comes to the biological basis of the formation and develpment of human language.Physical features human possess,especially those that are distinct from other creatures,which may have been able to support speech production.For example at some early stage our ancestors made a very significan transition to an upright posture,with bi pedal locomotion(on two feet)and using other body parts.Some changes about it mentioned can be seen in the physical differences between the skull of a gorilla and that of Neanderthal man form 60000 years ago but its theory is uncertaainly.

The Natural sound source
Another speculation about the origins of language is based on natural sounds.
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PERSONALIDAD:                                     FAMILIA:                 



AMBITIUS:AMBICIOSO                            FATHER:PADRE

BOSSY:MANDON                                       MOTHER: MADRE

CHARNING:CALMADO                              BROTHER: HERMANO



JELOUS:CELOSO                                        ... Continuar leyendo "Vocabulario" »