Dr jekyll

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1- What was Mr. Utterson like?

He was a quiet, serious man. He was shy with strangers and afraid showing his feelings.

2- Did Mr. Utterson allow himself enjoyable things in life?

No he didn't

3- What was Mr. Utterson's best friend called? What did they do together?

He called Richard Enfield. They often took long walks together.

4- What was there near the end of a narrow side of a street?

Near the end of the street, hever, owstood a dark, mysterious, windowless building.

5- What happened to the two people that Enfield saw near the mysterious building?

The two humped into each other and the child fell down

6- What happened to the child being on the ground?

The man walked all over the child's body wirh his heavy boots, and left her screaming on the ground.

7- What did the doctor and Enfield see of the short man?

They shouted at the man , and told him we would tell this story all over London so that his name would be hated.

8- How much did the doctor and Enfield ask for the harm the short man had made to the girl?

A hundred pounds.

9- Where did Enfield, the doctor and the prisoner spend the night?

They spent the rest of the night at Enfield house.

10- What was Enfield's opinion about the writer of the cheque?

He's a strange-looking man. He's short, but has a strong, heavy body.

11- What was Hyde like according to Enfield?


12- What did Jekyll's will say?

If I die, or if I disappear for more than three months, the will began, I wish to leave everything I own to my dear friend Edward Hyde,

13- Why was Mr Utterson worried reading Dr Jekyll's will?

Because it was an unusual and dangerous kind of will to a lawyer.

14- Who did Mr Utterson go to see for talking about Dr Jekyll?

Doctor Lanyon.

15- Why did Dr Lanyon stop seeing his friend, Dr Jekyll?

Because he develped some strange, wild, unscientific ideas.

16- Had Dr Lanyon met Mr Hyde?

No he hadn't

17- What did Mr. Utterson see in a dream?

He saw a faceless man marching over the child's body. Then he saw his old friend jekyll in bed, while the same faceless figure stood over him, the faceless of that figure worried him deeply.

18- What did Mr Utterson do as an investigation?

In the narrow street where Enfield had seen Hyde

19- How did Mr Utterson and Mr. Hyde start to talk?

Mr Utterson stepped forward and touched him on the shoulder and say: Mr Hyde?

20- Where did Mr. Hyde live?

He lived in a poor part of London.

21- What did Mr. Utterson do when Mr Hyde disappeared? What happened?

Mr. Utterson knocked at the front door. The servant answered and told him that Doctor Jekyll was not at home

22- When could Mr. Utterson speak to Dr. Jekyll?

In a dinner party for a few old friends.

23- What answer did Dr. Jekyll give to Mr. Utterson about Mr. Hyde?

I can get rid of Mr. Hyde any time I want.


24- What did a servant girl see one night in London?

She saw a tall, handsome old man with white hair coming along the street, and a shorter, younger man walking towards him.

25- What happened to the two men?

Mr. Hyde shook his stick at the old man, who stepped back in surprise. Then he hit the old man violently wirh the stick and knocked him to the ground

26- What was found in the pockets of the murdered man?

A gold watch and a purse.

27- What was the murder weapon?

The stick.

28- Where did the dead body and letter go?

He addressed to Mr. Utterson

29- Whose stick was it? Who gave it to the owner?

The Jekyll's stick. Mr Utterson gave it ti him long ago.

30- Where did Mr. Utterson take the inspector?

He led him to the adress on Mr Hyde's visiting card.

31- What did the inspector find in Mr Hyde's flat?

He found a part if a cheke book, and he also found the other part of the murder weapon.


32- What did Mr. Utterson see for the first time at Dr. Jekyll's home?

His friends's laboratory.

33- Where was Dr. Jekyll waiting for Mr. Utterson? Was Jekyll all right?

In the doctor's provate study. Yes he was.

34- What questio did Mr. Utterson ask Dr. Jekyll? What was the answer?

Have you heard the news? He answered: The newsboys were shouting about it in the street. A terrible business.

35- What did Mr. Hyde's letter say?

I am sorry that I have been so ungrateful in the past for your many generous acts, it began. Please don't worry about me. I am quite safe and I am certaub that I can scape unharmed whenever I wish.

36- Who brought the letter to Dr Jekyll's house?

Nobody came except the postman.

37- Who was Mr Guest? With who had been working?

The chief clerk of Mr Utterson.

38- What was Mr Guest interested in?

In the study of handwriting.

39- What was Mr. Guest's opinion about the two letters?

He thinks that Henry Jekyll wrote that letter for a murderer


40- What did the newspapers and the police discover about Mr. Hyde's past life?

They discovered that he was a cruel, violent man, who had lived an evil life full of hate and jealousy.

41- Did Dr Jekill get any better?

Yes he did.

42- What happened on January 8, 12 and 14 to Dr. Jekyll?

On the 8th of January Mr Utterson was invited to dinner at Doctor Jekyll's house. And on 12 and 14 Doctor Jekyll refused to see visitors.

43- In what way had Dr. Lanyon changed when Mr. Utterson went to see him?

His face was grey and thin, and there was a frightened look in his eyes. He was suddenly an old, sick man.

44- What did Dr. Lanyon say about himself?

He had a shick, and it will cause his death. He had only a few weeks to live.

45- What did Dr. Lanyon want of Mr. Utterson?

46- What was Mr. Jekyll's answer to Mr. Utterson's letter?

I'm not angry with our old friend., but I agree with him that the two of us must never meet again.

47- What happened to Dr. Lanyon two weeks later?

He was dead.

48- What did Mr. Utterson read when he took Mr. Lanyon's envelope?

He read “G, J. Utterson private”.

49- What did Mr. Poole answer to Mr. Utterson when the lawyer went to see Dr. Jekyll?

He answered: Not very wellm sir. He spends all his time in the study above his laboratory. He sleeps there as well. He seems very silent and uneasy. Something is worryng him, sir, but he won't tell anyone.


50- What did Dr. Enfield find surprising about the mysterious door?

51- Who did Mr. Utterson see up at the window?

Dr. Jekyll.

52- What change did Mr. Utterson and Dr. Enfield see at the window?

The window was shut with a bang

53- What did the two men do after Dr. Jekyll closed the window?

They turned and left the courtyard without a word. They crossed the narrow side-street. They did not speak until they came out into a busy, noisy street.


54- Whom did Mr. Utterson receive at home one evening in March?

He receive a visit from Dr. Jekyll's servant, Poole.

55-Why did Poole go to visit Mr. Utterson?

Becouse the doctor's locked himself up in his study.

56-How did Mr. Utterson answer Poole?

He answer: That's quite usual surely. You know your master's habits as well as I do. He often shuts himself away from the world.

57-Was there anybody at jekyll's hall? Why?

Yes there was. Becouse the room was full of people.

58- What story did Poople think it was when he heard Dr. Jekyll's voices?

59-Did Poole find any orders on the stairs in those days?Was there anything strange?

No he didn't. Yes there was.

60- What did Dr. Jekyll write on one of this notes?

I am returning your chemicals, as they are impure and therefore useless. In the year 18. You made up a mixture of chemical powders for Doctor Henry Jekyll. Please search your cupboards for some more of the same mixture and send it to Doctor Jekyll AT ONCE. This is VERY IMPORTANT.

61- Why did Poole think that the man among the boxes was Dr. Jekyll's murderer?

Becouse he looked up when Poole came in, gave a kind of cry and ran upstairs and into the study.

62- What explanation could Mr. Utterson give about Dr. Jekyll and the potencial murderer?

Dear God, I hope he's right! Poor Jekyll.

63- Was there any difference between the appearances of Dr. Jekyll and the potencial murderer?

Yes there was.

64- What did Poole say about Jekyll's usual noises?

65- What did Mr. Utterson decide to do when he didn't hear the voice of his friend?

He broke the door down.

66- What did the two men see inside the room?

They saw a warm comfortabke room with a good fire burning in the fireplace and a few papers on the big table.

67- Once the two men saw Mr Hyde, who where they looking for?

Mr. Utterson.

68- What did a large packet addressed to Mr, Utterson, contain?

A will

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