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La naturaleza de las celebraciones de carnaval en todo el mundovaría, lo que refleja la cultura distinta de cada país - y Brasil no es una excepción a la regla. Carnaval en Brasil siempre ha servidocomo un recordatorio de las raíces africanas de gran parte de supoblación, cuyos antepasados ​​fueron traídos como esclavos aBrasil. En consecuencia, el carnaval en Brasil tiene su propio tipode música y baile, que ha sido su marca durante muchos años.Pero, ¿es todo esto a punto de cambiar?

The nature of carnival celebrations around the world varíes, reflecting each country's distinct culture - and Brazil is no exception to the rule. Carnival time in Brazil has always served as a reminder of the African roots of much of its population, whose ancestors were brought to Brazil as slaves. Consequently, carnival in Brazil has got its own kind of music and dancing, which has been its trademark for many years. But is all this about to change?

Muchos residentes de El Salvador están muy preocupados por un cambio reciente en la naturaleza del carnaval. Actuando en uno delos principales carnavales puede proporcionar un músico con unaaudiencia enorme y much publicidad. Como resultado, un creciente número de músicos extranjeros vienen a realizar, y los vecinos dicen que esto es a costa de los artistas locales y los estilos tradicionales de la música. El músico británico de fama internacional, Fatboy Slim, ya ha actuado en varios carnavales de Salvador, tocando su música de big beat, que combina hip hop, rock, trance, house y el rhythm and blues. El carnaval 2007 atrajo anombres tan famosos como Shakira y Carlos Santana. Además,los DJs brasileños reproducción de música electrónica y los grupos de funk de Río de Janeiro también apareció en la escenaen 2007.

Many Salvador residents are very concerned by a recent change in the nature of the carnival. Performing at one of the main carnivals can provide a musician with a huge audience and much publicity. As a result, an increasing number of foreign musicians are coming to perform, and locals claim that this is at the expense of the local performers and traditional styles of music. The internationally-famous British musician, Fatboy Slim, has already performed at several carnivals in Salvador, playing his "big beat" music, which combines hip hop, rock, trance, house and rhythm and blues. The 2007 carnival attracted such famous ñames as Shakira and Carlos Santana. In addition, Brazilian DJs playing electronic music and funk groups from Rio de Janeiro also appeared on the scene in 2007.

LuizAméricoLisboaJúnior,unexpertoen lamúsicabrasileña,se sienteque latradicióndel carnavaltodoestábajoamenaza."Con eltiempo,el carnavalde Bahíapodríaperdercompletamentesucaráctersinose venen estacrítica,"dijo.Agregóquelas tradicioneslocalesse debe mantener, de lo contrariola gentepierdesu identidadcultural.3"Todo loquequedadeltradicional carnavalterminasiendoempujadosalaperiferia",se quejóde Lisboa.Estasprotestaslocalesparecen habercaídoenoídossordosen cuanto alos artistasextranjerosse refiere.Enuna entrevistareciente,todos losFatboy Slimtenía quedecir era:"ComodijoElvis,un millón de personasno pueden estar equivocados."

Luiz Américo Lisboa Júnior, an expert in Brazilian music, feels that the whole carnival tradition is under threat. "With time, Bahia's carnival could totally lose its character if we don't look at this critically," he said. He added that local traditions must be maintained, otherwise people lose their cultural identity. 3 "Everything that is left of traditional carnival ends up being pushed to the outskirts," Lisboa complained. These local protests seem to have fallen on deaf ears as far as the foreign performers are concerned. In a recent newspaper interview, all Fatboy Slim had to say was: "As Elvis said, a million people can't be wrong."

Tal vezha llegado el momentodeprotegerlos festivalesde música tradicionalde todo elmundo,engran partede lamisma maneraquela protección de especiesen peligro de extinción.Después detodo,¿no seríajusto decirqueelcarnavaltradicional de Brasilesde hechoen peligro deextinción?

Perhaps the time has come to protect traditional music festivals around the world, in much the same way as we protect endangered species. After all, would it not be fair to say that the traditional Brazilian carnival is indeed threatened with extinction?

El sueño dedespegarparaunas vacacionestranquilamente?Antes de salir,es posible que deseeprobar algototalmentediferente.
Algunas personas optan por pasar sus vacaciones tumbado en la playa que, tomando un merecido descanso en su agitadaivorkplace. Otros podrían preferir unas vacaciones educativas,teniendo en sitios históricos y museos. Sin embargo, para unnúmero creciente de personas, ninguna de estas fiestas sería deinterés. Probablemente preferirían un viaje al sitio de un desastremayor, tales como la Zona Cero en Nueva York o en el sitio del desastre nuclear de Chernobyl en Ucrania. Turismo oscuro - el turismo de los sitios de la tragedia - es un fenómeno en la industriaturística que atrae a los turistas más y más!

Dreaming of taking off for a leisurely holiday? Before you set out, you may want to try something totally different.

Some people choose to spend their holidays lying on he beach, taking a well-earned break from their hectic ivorkplace. Others might prefer an educational holiday, taking in historical sites and museums. Yet for a growing number of people, neither of these holidays would be of interest. They would probably prefer a trip to the site of a major disaster, such as Ground Zero in New York or the site of the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl in the Ukraine. Dark tourism - the tourism of sites of tragedy - is a phenomenon jn the tourist industry which is attracting more and more 'holidaymakers!

Nuestro reportero,CarolineRhys-Jones,Tallesal Dr.SimónBarrett,quienacaba de terminarunestudiodetalladodel fenómeno.Así que,¿cuándoturismooscurorealmenteempezar?Tal vezsorprendentemente,el turismooscuranoes realmenteunainvenciónmoderna.A través delos siglos,la gente ha hechounhábitodevisitarlos lugaresdondelos santosfueron asesinados y enterrados.

Our repórter, Caroline Rhys-Jones, talles to Dr Simón Barrett, who has just completed a detailed study of the phenomenon. So, when did dark tourism actually start?Perhaps surprisingly, dark tourism is not actually a modern invention. Through the ages, people have made a habit of visiting places where saints were murdered and buried.

Los ricosutilizan a menudopara visitarcampos de batallayverlabatallaque tienen lugardesde una distancia segura.En elacto,después desóloun día a labatallaenla GuerraCivilhabíaterminado,una personaemprendedoracompróelcampo de batalla, al darse cuentade que prontose convertiría enuna atracciónturística.¿Qué esloquehace quela gentequierevisitarestoslugares

Rich people often used to visit battlefields and watch the battle taking place from a safe distance. In act, only one day after a battle in the American Civil War had ended, an enterprising person bought the battlefield, realising that it would soon become a tourist attraction. What is it that makes people want to visit these places?

Los expertostienen dificultades parallegararazonesconcretasparaestetipodeturismo.Después detodo,¿por quéiba alguien adespotricarde pasartiempoen lugaresquealguna vez fueronlas escenasde gran sufrimiento?¿Noseríamásnaturalparavisitarlugaresconunambientemáspositivo y divertido?Parecequela principal motivaciónes unamezcla decuriosidadycierta emocióndeestaren el lugardeun acontecimiento históricoimportante,inclusosifueun desastre.

Experts find it difficult to come up with concrete reasons for this kind of tourism. After all, why would anyone rant to spend time at places which were once the scenes of great suffering? Wouldn't it be more natural to visit places with a more positive and fun atmosphere? It seems that the main motivation is a mixture of curiosity and a certain thrill of being at the site of a major historic event, even If it was a disaster.

Porotra parte,las razonesparala creación desitiospara atenderalos turistassonmás fácilesdeentender.Y¿cuáles serían?En primer lugar,está elaspectoeconómico, sobre todosiestos sitiosestán ubicadosenlos países más pobres.Elotro aspecto, que esprobablementemucho másfácilde justificardesdeun puntode vista moral,es elhecho dequeestossitiossirvencomo unrecordatorio delascosasterriblesque los hombreshanhecho en el pasado,ycomouna advertenciade quenuncase debe permitirque se produzcaagain.Isesposible decirquecierto tipo depersonasestán más interesados​​enel turismooscuro?No,en absoluto.

On the other hand, the reasons for setting up such sites to cater for tourists are easier to understand.  And what would they be?First of all, there is the economic aspect, especially if these sites are located in poorer countries. The other aspect, which is probably much easier to justify from a moral point of view, is the fact that these sites serve as a reminder of the terrible things that men have done in the past, and as a warning that they should never be allowed to occur again.Is it possible to say that certain kinds of people are more interested in dark tourism?No, not at all.

Incluso mehablóconunamadrequellevó a sus hijosen un recorrido porlos sitiosconectadoscon losproblemasenIrlanda del Norte.Cuando lepreguntésirealmentepensaba queestoera apropiadopara losniños,ella respondió:"Sé que algunaspersonasnopuedenaprobar,pero creoqueeste tipodeviajes hacer revivir la historiapara los niñosyayudarles aentender realmentelo que pasóaquí."Gracias,Dr.Barrett.

I even spoke to one mother who took her children on a tour of sites connected with the troubles in Northern Ireland. When I asked her if she really thought that this was appropriate for children, she answered: "I know some people might not approve, but I think these kinds of tours bring history alive for children and help them really understand what happened here." Thank you, Dr Barrett.

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