A foreigner in Britain

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Antonio is a Spanish university student. At university he made English friends and he has gone to visit them. He's an outgoing guy who likes to meet people.

Pablo is a Spanish Antonio's friend. He had never been in England. He's a traditional and cultured boy.

Martin is an English Antonio's friend. He likes to travel and show new places to Antonio and his friends.

Haunt: frecuentar     Seaside: costero     Melt: derretir     Pond: estanque    Drown: Ahogar    Rough: bravo     Muddy: embarrado     Former: antiguo     Tanned: moreno     Tram: tranvía     Stained glass: vidriera

Pablo is a Spanish boy who studies at the university in Salamanca. He has made English friends an he decides visit them and visit England.

First he visits with his friend Paul the most typical sites of London as Trafalgar Square and The Big Ben. He meets with other friends that he already knew before and they go to other cities such as York, Manchester, Wales, Edinburgh... He knows with his friends the most typical and emblematic of all these cities, customs and lifestyle of citizens.

This is a fun book and easy to read. I also learn many things from England. It's very interesting!

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