Dialog de cathy's dreams

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The next morning.

Matau: Let´s go to Lion´s Rock. It will be funny.

Mum: How many steps are there?

Cathy: 1,200. And there are wall paintings in the middle.

Matau: How do you know about Lion´s Rock?

Cathy: I was here in a dream.

Matau: I don´t understand you.

Cathy: Oh, it´s a long history.

Soon, they see the paintings and there are exactly like the paintings in Cathy´s dream.

Cathy: We´ll see two lion´s feet in the rock.

Cathy is right. They see monkeys on the rocks exactly like in her dream.
Mum: I am tired to continue.

Matau: I will climb the top with Cathy.

Later, they go down stairs.

Matau: We are going to a tea factory.

They go to the tea factory by car. There are workers in the fields and they have got baskets on their backs.

Matau: Those people are picking tea. They take the smallest leaves to the factory to dry.

Matau stops the car at the factory and they talk with a worker about the process of the tea. The worker brings them different types of tea to drink. That night they stay in a hotel in the mountains.

Mum: for the next few days, I want to lie in the sun and relax.

The next morning:

Matau: Today, I am going to drive you to a beach in a town called Galle.

Mum and Cathy: OK, let´s go there.

They stop outside a hotel and take the bags inside. There are workers painting outside.

Matau: In this paper is my number of telephone. I´m staying near the hotel. Phone me tomorrow morning and I'll take you on a tour around Galle.


The boy: Yes, It happened on my birthday, 26th December. I was on the beach that day. Do you see that rock, about forty meters out in the sea? Well, the water went back that far then a giant wave appeared. Everyone knew that they were in great danger. We all run from the beach. We were very frightened.

The boy pointed at a railway line behind the beach and the hotel.

The boy: The wave hit a train on that railway line. It pushed the train out the line and killed the people inside.

Cathy: That´s terrible.

She thinks about the people of her dream.

Cathy: And were the people on the beach OK?

The boy: Yes. We ran to higher ground and we were OK. I returned to the beach about twenty minutes later. The tsunami was over, but the windows in many hotels were broken.

Cathy: Well, I´m happy that you were OK.

The boy took a pink shell of his pocket.

The boy: Do you collect shells?

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