Examen 5,6,7

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surgeon=cirujano,architect= arcitecto,chef,tour guide,
flightattendant=azafata,lawyer=abogado,coach=entrenador,plumper=lampista,vet=veterinario,firefighter =bombero ,soldier.pooverty=pobre sa ,famine=hambre,homelssnes=falta de vivienda.
child labour=explotacio infantil,arms trade=trafico de armas,global warming=escalfament global,endangered animals=animales en peligro de extinción ,disease=malalatia,pollution=contaminacion.
5.-I'm going to a petition.-We're hoping that about 250,000 people will make a donation.will you help to give out leaflets to people in the street?They'll put up posters.we asked people to sign a petition.
Comparative(para comparar cosas o personas)tall=taller long adjective=more expensive, Superlative(para hablar de tres o mas cosas o personas,cuando se kiere indicar que uno es superior al otro)tall=tallest long adjective=most expensive.Will(para referirse al futuro),going to(para expressar planes y intenciones).

first conditional with if (ejemp= (+) If go away,I will send you a postcard , (-) If chris don't to the beach,it won't be a nice day.Second conditional (+) If we moved to another town, I would miss my friends.(-) She wouldn't be pleased,If It we didn't remeber her birthday

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