Futuro simple

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Present simple: I Work // I don't work // Do I Work? Adverbios-> Always, usually, often, sometimes, never..Present continuous: I am singing // You aren't singing // Are You singing ? ? se utiliza cuando una accion que esta ocurriendo ahora mismo . Adverbios-> now, at the moment, tonight , tomorrow .Pasado simple: I sang // I didn't Sing // did I sing? ? acciones ocuridas en el pasado. Yesterday, las week, last year.Pasado continuo: I was writing // I wasn't writing // was I writing? ? delante de when, as , while, at 4 o'clock , last night, se pone el pasado continuo despues el simple.Past perfect simple: I had arrived // Had I arrived // I hadn't arrived ? Already , after, before , never , just.Present perfekto simple: I have lived // Has I lived // She hasn't lived.. ? never , already , just , yet , since.

Future simple: I will play // I won't play // Will I Play ? Expresar una decision repentina , cuando estamo hablando. This evening tomorrow , in the futureGoing to: I am going to play // I am not going to play // Am i going to play ? ? Expresar intenciones sobre lo que hacemos en un futuro cercano … this evening, later , in an hour , tomorrow, on 8 may.Future continuo: I will be playing // I will not be playing // Will I be playing ? ? Expresar lo que esta ocurriendo en un momento determinado del futuro... at this tomorrowFuture perfec simple : I will have eaten 3ª columna // I will not have eaten // Will I have eaten ? ? indicar una accion k abra terminao en un momento konkreto del futuro. …. by...air pollution: contaminacion atmosferika care about : interesarse por.. chemical : sustancia kimika ecological disaster : desatre ekolojiko global warming : calentamiento global nuclear power: calentamiento global pollutant : agente kontaminante solar power: energia solar

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