Ghost Stories

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1.Sheet, blank, written, lights, hides, finds, continue, challenges, players, same. 2. He want to recognize the murder oh his mother. 3. a)She opened a door which led to black stairs and she fell down b)he had killed the student by hanging him c)Because he spoke Welsh d)his soh had died twenty years earlier in an accident e) he hate the shining lights of the city 4. a) The Stranger in the Mist b) The ghost Coach c) The confession of Charles Linkworth d) The judge's house e) Smee 5. Because he have to study for an important exam, and he want a quietly place as such as possible. 6. The story i've enjoyed most is Smee. It is exciting, because slowly, all the people in the house, feel that something is wrong. Things like this make feel us in a tension situation, for example, when jackson and Mrs Gorman are in the dark room with the suposed smee, while the game was over two hours ago.

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