I was doing my homework when i suddenly heard a loud noise

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The accident at the San Lorenzo street :
An ordinary day, when I was doing my homework, I heard a loud noise, a noise louder than the turbine of an airplane.
I looked out the window and saw that two cars had collided. The crash was at the intersection of the street of San Lorenzo and Gutenberg. All the people left their houses to see the accident.
I was very surprised because people had very hurt. The crash happened because the driver of one car had not followed the street signs.
A few seconds later, one of the neighbors that was there, she called the pólice and the ambulance.
Suddenly, the pólice came, who helped the wounded. Too interrogate to the drivers
Later, the ambulance arrived. They took the injured to the nearest hospital. When they reached the hospital, the nurse called his family. A few minutes later, arrived the family of the injured
Fortunately, doctors were able to heal their wounds, but one of them unfortunately died.
The whole neighborhood was present when veiled.
One of the drivers is arrested for failing to meet standards trancit
Well, that is how this accident ends

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