Ingles: will, going to, future continuous y future Perfect
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Will: Usamos will para hablar sobre:- Decisiones en el momento de hablar:- Predicciones generales:Affirmative:
I/He/She/It/We.. Will Learn = ( I/He/She/..+ will+ infinitivo)
Negative:I/He/She/It/We.. Won´t Learn Questions:Will I/He/She/It/We.. Learn?
Going to: Usamos going to para hablar sobre:- Intenciones futuras o planes cuando las deciciones ya han sido
echas. - Predicciones cuando hay evidencias que puedes ver ahora.Affirmative:I am going to swim He/she/it is going to swim
We/you/they are going to swimNegative:I am not going to swim
He/she/it isn´t going to swimWe/you/they aren´t going to swim
Questions:Am I going to swim?Is He/she/it going to swim?
Are We/you/they going to swim?
Future continuous: Usamos future continuous:- Para hablar de algo en proceso en un cercano periodo de
tiempo en el futuro.Affirmative:I/he/she/it/We... will be listening = ( I/he/she/it/We..+ will be + verb ing.Negative:/he/she/it/We... won´t be listeningQuestions:Will I/he/she/it/We... be listening?
Future Perfect: Usamos future perfect:- Para hablar de algo que será completado en un cercano
perido de tiempo en el futuro.Affirmative:I/He/she/it/We... will have understood.Negative:I/he/she/it/We... won´t have understood.Questions:Will I/He/she/it/We... have understood?
Presente simple:Para abler de acciones rutinarias/Para abler de hechos o verdades generales/Para hablar de situaciones permanents
Futuro simple:Se forma con willl + infinitvo para todas las personas . Espresar prediction del futuro/Hacer promesas
Hacer un ofrecimiento/En las oraciones condicionales del primer tipo/Tomar una decisión en el momento de hablar.
I/He/She/It/We.. Will Learn = ( I/He/She/..+ will+ infinitivo)
Negative:I/He/She/It/We.. Won´t Learn Questions:Will I/He/She/It/We.. Learn?
Going to: Usamos going to para hablar sobre:- Intenciones futuras o planes cuando las deciciones ya han sido
echas. - Predicciones cuando hay evidencias que puedes ver ahora.Affirmative:I am going to swim He/she/it is going to swim
We/you/they are going to swimNegative:I am not going to swim
He/she/it isn´t going to swimWe/you/they aren´t going to swim
Questions:Am I going to swim?Is He/she/it going to swim?
Are We/you/they going to swim?
Future continuous: Usamos future continuous:- Para hablar de algo en proceso en un cercano periodo de
tiempo en el futuro.Affirmative:I/he/she/it/We... will be listening = ( I/he/she/it/We..+ will be + verb ing.Negative:/he/she/it/We... won´t be listeningQuestions:Will I/he/she/it/We... be listening?
Future Perfect: Usamos future perfect:- Para hablar de algo que será completado en un cercano
perido de tiempo en el futuro.Affirmative:I/He/she/it/We... will have understood.Negative:I/he/she/it/We... won´t have understood.Questions:Will I/He/she/it/We... have understood?
Presente simple:Para abler de acciones rutinarias/Para abler de hechos o verdades generales/Para hablar de situaciones permanents
Futuro simple:Se forma con willl + infinitvo para todas las personas . Espresar prediction del futuro/Hacer promesas
Hacer un ofrecimiento/En las oraciones condicionales del primer tipo/Tomar una decisión en el momento de hablar.