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What’s your name? My name is Armando. What’s your last name? My last name is Mochas. How do you spell your first name? Ei-ar-em-ei-en-di-ou. What do people call you? People call me Mochero (jiji). Where are you from? I’m from Viña del Mar. Are you on vacation? No, I’m not. I’m studing at DuocUC.                   Is Ana from France? No, she isn’t. She is from Viña                            / Yes, she is. Are you Chilean? Yes, I am. Are you Japanese? No, I’m not. I am Chilean. Are you a student at Duoc? Yes, I am. Are you from Viña? Yes, I am. I live on Alvarez Street, near Duoc.  /No, I’m not. I am from    


20) Who is your best friend? My best friend is Dolores Dellano.

21) What’s your phone number? My phone number is 339978.

22) Where do you live? I live in Valparaíso.

23) What do you do? I am a Student. I Study at DuocUc.

24) Do you have a nick name? Yes, I do. My nickname is Mochero.        /No, I don’t.

26) Do you live in Santiago? No, I don’t. I live in Villa Alemana.

27) What’s your mother’s name? My mother’s name is Pilar Duracel.




What does a receptionist / salesperson / chef do? Where does he / she work?

A receptionist answers the phone. She works in an office.

A sales person sells clothes. He works in a department store.

       A Chef cooks food. She works in a restaurant.

What do you do? I’m a student. I study at Duoc. Where do you work/study? How do you like it?

I have a part-time job in McDonald’s. I’m a cashier there. I like it fine.

I study at DuocUC. I like it a lot.

Talk about your daily routine.

I wake up at 7 o’clock. Then, I have a shower. After that I have breakfast. I go to DuocUc and around one o’clock I have Lunch. I go home at 7 thirty. Once I get home, I study and have dinner. Finally I go to bed.

What time do you go to work / the institute? I go to DuocUc at seven thirty. When do you get home at night? I get home at 8 P.M. What time do you get up / go to work / have lunch?

I get up around seven fifteen.

I don’t work, but I go to DuocUC at seven forty five.

I have lunch at noon, in my brake.

Do you wake up before noon on Sundays?

Yes, I do.

No, I don’t. I study on Saturday nights.

What days do you get up early / late? I get up early on weekdays. I get up late on Saturdays. What are two things you do before 8:00 in the morning? I have breakfast and I take a shower. What are two things you do on Saturday mornings? 

I study English and I have breakfast with my family.

What is something you do only on Sundays?

I have lunch with my family I watch T.V in the afternoon.







What kind of music do you like?

I like romantic Music. My favorite singer is Ricardo Arjona.

Do you like romantic music / rap / pop music?

Yes I do. I like it a lot. My favorite singer is Luis Miguel.

No, I don’t. I don’t like it very much.

Do you like horror films?

Yes, I do. I like them very much. My favorite horror film is “El Aro”.

No, I don’t. I don’t like them very much. I like romantic movies. My favorite one is Crepusculo or Twilight in English.

Who is your favorite singer? My favorite singer is Ricardo Arjona. What’s your favorite TV program? I favorite T.V program is 1810. I love reality shows. What do you think of thrillers? I don’t like them very much. I like horror films. I have tickets to a rock concert. Would you like to go? (Accept/refuse)

I’d love to. Where is it? What time does it start?

Sorry, I’d love to, but I have to study.

Would you like to go out on Saturday night? (refuse)

I’d really like to, but I don’t have money.

Would you like to watch a movie with me? (accept)

Yes, I’d like to. Where is it? What time does it start?


Do you ever go jogging?     Yes, I ussually go jogging in the mornings.

How often do you play football?  I never play football.

How often do you go swimming? I don't go swimming very often. But sometimes I go swimming with my friends in Summer.

Do you ever do yoga? Yes, I do. I do yoga 1 hour,  3 times a week.

Are you a couch potato? Yes, I am. I ussually watch a lot of TV./ No, I'm not. I exercise everyday. I am a fitness freak.

(Unit 8)

Is there a school near here? Yes there is. there is one near Duoc.

Are there any grocery stores around here? Yes, there are. there 2 on Cantera Street.

Is there a hotel in your neighborhood? No there isn't. But there is one on Valparaiso treet.

Are there gas stations in yoiur neighborhood? Yes, there is. there is one near my house.

How much pollution is there in you neighborhood? There isn't much pollution in my neighborhood.  But there is a little noise.

How many pay phones are there in your neighborhood? There are a lot of pay phones in my nweighborhood.

Is there much crime near your house? No there isn't. My neighborhood is very safe. / No, there is none.

Are there any restaurants near Duoc? There aren't many restaurants near Duoc.

How many dance clubs are there in Viña del Mar? There are a lot of Pubs and dance clubs in the city centre.

(UNIT 3)

Dialogue 1:

A: Hi. How much is that phone?

B: Which one?

A: the black one.

B: It's 150 dollars.

A: That's expensive.

Dialogue 2:

A: How much are those jeans?

B: Which ones?

A: The blue ones.

B: They're 30 dollars.

A: that's cheap!


Talking about past tense.

Regular verb: terminan en -ed.


Stop—stopped .





Irregular verbs cambian de forma.







*aprenderse lista de verbos irregulares en la última página de su libro


Affirmative sentences:

EL verbo en la oración siempre va en pasado:

I went to my parents’ house yesterday.

I played WII in the morning.

I baked a cake last weekend.


Negative sentences:

Ocupo didn’t y el verbo en infinitivo (presente):

I didn’t go to my parents’ house yesterday.

I didn’t  play WII in the morning.

I didn’t bake a cake last weekend.



Ocupo did y el verbo en infinitivo. SI tengo el verbo DO puedo responder con cualquier verbo, si no respondo con el mismo verbo de la pregunta.

Did you go to the mall yesterday?

Yes, I did. I went to the mall (affirmative sentence).

No, I didn’t. I stayed in my house.


Did you study for the test?

Yes, I did. I studied for the test.

No, I didn’t. I saw a film.


What did you do yesterday?

I stayed in my house.

I watched TV.

I cooked lunch.

What did you cook?

I cooked rice and meat.

Where did you go yesterday?

I went to the mall.


What movie or program did you watch?

I watched 1810. It was great!!

Past tense of TO BE es WAS y WERE.

WAS – WERE: estuvo, fue.

I was

He was

She was

It was

They were

You were

We were.


How was the weather (tiempo) like?

It was hot and sunny.

It was good.

It wasn’t so good. It rained a lot.


Were you in Iquique last weekend?

Yes, I was.

No , I wasn’t. I was in Arica.


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