A mouse allows you to control the cursor and mové around the screen very quickly

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software, peripherals, main memory, hard drive, Hardware, input, ports: a socket or channel in the read pannel of the computer into which you can plug a wich range , output, central processing unit (CPU)
Peripherals {Input devices: mouse, keyboard: aset of keys on a terminal or computer, camera}{Output devices: monitor, printer}{Storage media: Magentic e.G. Hard drive; Optical, e.G. DVD ; Flash memory, e.G. Pen drive
Digitalcomputers divided into 5 tipos main (principal) : mainframes, desktop PCs, laptops, tablet PCs and handheld PDAs.
Include... ; Consist of...
Processor{Control Unit, Arithmetic logic unit(ALU):calculation ; Registers: Units of memory used to store and control data
System clock , clock speed = gigaHertz(GHZ)
Motherboard the main circuit board of a computer, which contains the processor contains(contiene)  the processor, the memory chips, expansions slots and controllers connected by pheripherals
Expansión slots allow users to install expansión cards
RAM (random access memory) Control unit: examines the instructions in the users program ; ALU: Mathematical calculations
ESKEMA : PC system{software,Hardware{CPU, Main memory{RAM,ROM}, peripheral{ input devices-> Keyboard, mous; output devices-> monitor, printer; Storage Media{Hard drive, Dvd drive, Flash drive}}}
Input devices { Keyboard, mouse, light pen (lápiz óptico), scanner, trackball (bola seguimiento), graphics tablet (mesa grafico) , game controller i microphone}
for+ gerund (controlling), used to + infinitve, pronoun + verb, pronoun +used + to + infinitive, work by + gerund
{cursor control keys: include arrow keys that mové the insertion point up,down right and left., alphanumeric keys,:represent letters and numbers, as arranged on a typewriter,  function keys,: appear at the top of the keyboard and can be programmed to do especial tasks. dedicated keys,: are used to issue commands or to produce alternative character, numeric keypad: appears to the right of the main keyboard.} good--> the best; bad --> the worst; little --> the least /// Colour, megapixels, shot, video, optical, brighter, reduction

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