Present perfect simple

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Present Perfect Simple

•Expresar acciones pasadas sin especificar cuando han ocurrido: I have been to Ireland twice

•Acciones ocurridas en el pasado cuyos efectos son visibles ahora:I haven't cleaned my room so my mother punished me

•Acciones que sucedieron en el pasado: She has had her car since 1990

•Acciones que acaban de ocurrir: The player have just been sancioned

Expresiones:  Already never for since

Past Simple

•Acciones ocurridas en un momento concreto del pasado: He didn't have lunch last night

•Acciones consecutivasque ocurrieron en el pasado: Yesterday, I played football, but I injuried  and returned home

Forma : I didn't ..........tiempo

              I (VERBO PASADO)............tiempo

              Did .......verbo...............tiempo?

Expresiones: Yesterday since a week Sunday

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