Reading 1º bachillerato true false

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1.    1.Bullying  2.Sentence  3.Speeding  4.Robbers  5.Jury

2.    1.Did you use to  2.I`m used to   3.Would always go   4.Used to     5.I`m not used to

3.    1.Had left;noticed     2.Was taking;heard      3.Had vandalized;cought     4.Was hitting;was screaming        5.Was driving;stopped


1.She made him aware of a different way of life

2.Because she was able to suceed in a male.Dominated world

3.Because he criticised a woman referee during a football matcg

4.the fact that the queen`s second oldest child cannot be the queen


1.Dr Sewell says traditional male traits include competitiveners and leadership

2.He claims that girts qualities include attentiversses in class and working methodically

3.The school system is opening an academic gap between girls and lays

4.Many head teachers and experts are very angry at Dr Sewells commments

5.Dr Marshall paints out that although girls work hard and get better results at school they are still less well-paid than men at wor

parte2:  1.False  2.true  3.True  4.False  5.True

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