Afirmativo Negativo interrogativo/respuestas

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Diary-diario/pencil-lápiz/rubber-goma/pencil case-estuche/pen ruler-regla/marker-marcador/pencil sharpener-sacapuntas/schoolbag-mochila.

Twenty-20/thirty-30/forty-40/fifty-50/sixty-60/seventy-70/eighty-80/ninety-90/one hundred-100



Pronombres personales\\I,you,he,she,it,we,you,they// possessives adjectives\\my,your,his,her,its,your,our,theyr.

Pronombres demostrativos.











El verbo to be/ser

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAgACAHcAMSH+GlNvZnR3YAfirmativo                                         Negativo                                                         interrogativo/respuestas

I am/I’m/yo soy                                 I am not/I’m not/yo no soy                             Am I.?/Yes, I am/No, I’m not

You are/you’re/tu eres                        You are not/you aren’t/tu no eres                     are you?/Yes, you are/No, you aren’t

He is/he’s/el es                                    He is not/he isn’t/el no es                                is he?/Yes, he is/No, he isn’t

She is/she’s/ella es                          She is not/she isn’t/ella no es                          is she?/Yes, she is/No, she isn’t

It is/it’s/esto es                                    It is not/it isn’t/esto no es                               is it.?/Yes, it is/No, it isn’t

We are/we’re/nosotros somos             We are not/we aren’t /nosotros no somos       are we?/Yes, we are/No, we aren’t

You are/you’re/vosotros sois              You are not/you aren’t/vosotros no sois          are you?/ Yes, you are/No, you aren’t

They are/they’re/ellos son                t  hey are not/they aren’t/ellos no son               are they?/Yes, they are/No, they aren’t

-El verbo have got/ tener

Afirmativo                                                   Negativo                                                                      interrogativo/respuestas

I have got/I’ve got/yo tengo                           I have not got/I haven’t got/yo no tengo                   Have I got/Yes, I have/No, I haven’t

You have got/you’ve got/tu tienes                You have not got/you haven’t got/tu no tienes             Have You got/Yes, you have/No, you haven’t

He has got/he’s got/el tiene                            He has not got/he hasn’t got /el no tiene                    Has he got/Yes, he has/No, he hasn’t

She has got/she’s got/ella tiene             She has not got/she hasn’t got/ella no tiene               Has she got/Yes, she has/No, she hasn’t

It has got/it’s got/esto tiene                            It has not got/it hasn’t got/esto no tiene                       Has it got/Yes, it has/No, it hasn’t

We have got/we’ve got/nosotros tenemos      We have not got/we haven’t got/nosotros no tenemos   Have we got/Yes, we have/No, we have

You have got/you’ve got/vosotros teneis      You have not got/you haven’t  got/vosotros no teneis     Have You got/Yes, you have/No, you haven’t

They have got/they’ve got/ellos tienen       They have not got/they haven’t got/ellos no tienen         Have they got/Yes, they have/No, they haven’t


Eyebrow-ceja………./ big-grande…………../short-corto……./athletic-atletico………....../quiet-callado






Tail-cola………….../long-largo……………./wide-ancho……./lazy-perezoso …………../



-How old is he?                -¿cuantos años tiene?

-where is he from?           -¿donde vive?

-what does he look like?  -¿como es? (físicamente)

-What colour is his (hair)?-¿de que color es su pelo?

-Is he(clever)?                  -¿es inteligente?

-has he got(green eyes)?  -¿tiene los ojos verdes?

-what’s he like?               -¿como es el?(personalidad).

-he has got(blue eyes)?   -el tiene los ojos azules.

-he’s(not)very(tall)         -el no es muy alto.

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