"A pound too dear" the author started

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By heart
A jailer appeared on stage holding a letter, which he gave to an aristocrat. The letter had not been written out fully as usual. It was blank. Although the gaoler wanted to prove the aristocrat player had not learnt it by heart, he couldn't catch him for the actor said the light was too dim for him to read.The latter left to fetch his glasses.He returned with the glasses and read the prisoner the customary letter.
One man's meat is another man's poison
After collecting some snails from his garden, the writer took them in a bag to his friend Robert, who is very partial to them.They left the bag in the hall to talk for two hours.Then Robert invited the author to have the snails for dinner.When they returned to the hall they found the snails had escaped out of the bag and were all over the hall
A Skeleton in the Cupboard
George, a friend of the writer's, invited the author to spend a week-end at his home and put him up in the spare room.After unpacking his things and putting his shirts and underwear in two empty drawers, the writer proceeded to hang one of his suits in the cupboard.As he opened the door he saw a skeleton hanging and swaying, which scared the narrator.He rushed downstairs to tell his friend about his fright.George told him it was just Sebastián, a remembrance of his days as a medical student
The cutty shark
The author of the text explains the story of the Cutty Shark, that was one of the fastest vessels of England in 1872. In this year this ship and the Thermopylae made a race that during 4 months. During the race, the rudder of the Cutty Shark was broken by a storm and they had to make a new one in the ship, so the other ship was first in the race.Then, they arrived at a port and changed the rudder for another and they went very fast but the Thermopylae arrived at England first.
Nothing to sell and nothing to buy
In this text, is talked about the valúe of things and the money we pay for it, even beggars sell themselves as human beings for the pity of the passers-by.Then it is talked about the tramps which is people who had only the necessary and they mové from place to place, but they are free.Sometimes they work or beg but they live the life that they decided
A pound too dear
It is the story of a man who was in a tourist boat.When the boat arrived at port, inmediately appeared a lot of trademen who tried to sell rugs, hand-mode silver-ware and many things.The man who went out of the boat did not want to buy something and a man who was selling diamond rings tried to sell him one but he did not.Then another man tried to sell him a pen for £10 but the man offered £ 1.At the end, he bought the pen but it never writes


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