Apuntes, resumenes, trabajos, examenes y problemas de Inglés de Secundaria

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Dialog de cathy's dreams

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The next morning.

Matau: Let´s go to Lion´s Rock. It will be funny.

Mum: How many steps are there?

Cathy: 1,200. And there are wall paintings in the middle.

Matau: How do you know about Lion´s Rock?

Cathy: I was here in a dream.

Matau: I don´t understand you.

Cathy: Oh, it´s a long history.

Soon, they see the paintings and there are exactly like the paintings in Cathy´s dream.

Cathy: We´ll see two lion´s feet in the rock.

Cathy is right. They see monkeys on the rocks exactly like in her dream.
Mum: I am tired to continue.

Matau: I will climb the top with Cathy.

Later, they go down stairs.

Matau: We are going to a tea factory.

They go to the tea factory by car. There are workers in the fields and they have got baskets on their backs.

Matau: Those people

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Vegetales en ingles

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Coffe es café
Applepie and ice-cream es pastel de manzana y helado
Vegetable soup es sopa de vegetales
Vegetarian lasagne es lasaña vegetal
Chocolate cake es torta de chocolate
Red/White wine es vino
Orange juice es jugo de naranja
Prawn salad es ensalada de langostinos
Chiken curry withrice es pollo con salsa
Frut salad es ensalada de fruta
Baked salmon with spinach es salmon horneado con espinaca
Mineral water es agua mineral
Sole with mushbrooms es lenguado con ongos
Roast beef with fresh brócoli es carne con brócoli
Strawberries and cream es frutilla con crema
Onion soup es sopa de cebolla
Steak in a peper souse es churrasco
Beer es cervesa
Tomato es tomate
Onion es cebolla
Chiken es pollo
Beef es bife
Green peper es moron verde
Cheese es queso
Sweel coint

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Count nouns (sustantivos contables) Son todos aquellos objetos que se pueden contar:
ONE bag- UNA bolsa,TWO bags- DOS bolsas,THREE dogs- TRES perros, etc. Nouncount nouns (sustantivos no contables) Son aquellos que no podemos contar: SOME milk- Algo de leche ,SOME bread- Algo de pan. Estos sustantivos no contables unicamente tienen forma SINGULAR. Pueden ser: Comida: cheese (queso), sugar (azucar), butter (mantequilla), salt (sal), pepper (pimienta), meat (carne)
Liquidos: water (agua), coffee (café), tea (té), orange juice (jugo de naranja), lemonade (limonada), etc. En otras palabras los líquidos, granos, cereales, el pan, los polvos, la arena, incluso el cabello NO son contables. PERO se pueden usar ciertos sustantivos (medidas o recipientes)... Continuar leyendo "Ingles" »

A foreigner in britain descargar

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Scotland is at the top of the Great Britain. Is an independent country of England, until 1603.The capital is Edinburgh, with Glasgow's largest city and metropolitan area which comprises 20% of the total Scottish population. Most famous people of Scotland are: Sean Connery, Robert Louise, Arthur Conan Doyle, David Hume, Walter Scott.Scotland is famous for its whiskey and the Loch Ness.

Wales is a constituent nation of the United Kingdom. It is located west of the island of Great Britain.Wales is a principality is a form of government in which the head of state is a prince. This model of government was much in the Middle Ages in the periods covering the fifteenth to the eighteenth century, the principalities were politically speaking, small regions

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Ingles: will, going to, future continuous y future Perfect

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Will: decisiones en el momento de hablar,

prediciones generales.AF:
I/he/she/it/we..wil learn(I/He/She/..+ will+ infinitivo) 
Neg: I/he/she/it/we..won`t learn

Int: will I/he/she/it/we...learn?
Going to:Intenciones futuras o planes cuando las deciciones ya han sido
evidencias que puedes ver ahora.AF:

I`m going to swim;he/she...is going to swim

Neg; I am not going to swim;he isn`t going...

Int : Am I going to swim?
Future continuous: hablar d algo en proceso en1cercano periodo d
tmpo en el futuro.Af: I/he/she/it..will be listening

Neg: /he/she/it...won`t be listening

Int: will I/she/we...be listening?
Future Perfect:Para hablar d algo q será completado en1cercano
perido d tmpo en el futuro.

Af: I/he/she/it/we...will have unferstood

Neg: I/he/she/... Continuar leyendo "Ingles: will, going to, future continuous y future Perfect" »

Relative pronouns

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Defining Relative Clauses nos dan una información esencial que no puede ser omitida mientras que las Non-defining
Relative Clauses proporcionan una información adicional que puede ser
E.g.: This is the house which he wants to buy (Defining)
Esta es la casa que quiere comprar
E.g.: The government, which promises to cut taxes, will be popular (Nondefining)
El gobierno, que promete cortar los impuestos, será popular
Diferencias: -Defining nunca llevan comas, ni antes ni después de ellas.
-Non-defining siempre van entre comillas al ser una información adicional, no se puede omitir el pronombre, no se usa el that..
·who or that: to talk about people: she's the model who's working for Paul Smith
·which or that to talk about things: the guards... Continuar leyendo "Relative pronouns" »

Infinitive of purpose

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CONDICIONALES: Tipo 1 PRESENTE-PRESENTE:son verdades universales o cosas que siempre son verdad Ejemplo: si calientas mantequilla se derrite (if you boil butter it melts) PRESENTE IMPERATIVO: si tienes calor abre la ventana (if you are hot open the door) PRESENTE-FUTURO: si estudias aprobaras (if you study you will pass) TIPO 2 PASADO SIMPLE-CONDICIONAL SIMPLE: si estudiaras  tu aprobarias ( if you studied you would pass) si fuera rico compraria un castillo (if  i were rich i would buy a castle) si los elefantes tuvieran alas podrian volar (if elephantas had wings they would be able to fly)


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THE BERMUDA ISLANDS: FALSE-spanish Explorer juan de..FALSE-mr.allens aim is to mend the previous..//-because a survivors narration of the shipwreck its supposed to be the source of inspiration for shakespeares the tempest.-Currently bermuda is the most important place for practicing scuba-diving and also offers to tourists much more than just a sunny Beach.//a)snared b)starving c)shipwreck d)launched//a)far,from b)its,since c)to visit, had d) are inhabitted, is calledRHINOCEROS LAKE:FALSE-a good instante of this is..TRUE-excitedly,they followed the..//-He made a sort of apparatus to leave rhinoceros footprints- people followed the tracks absolutely convenced that they were the footprints os real rhinoceros//a)misconceptions b)instante c)rope... Continuar leyendo "Renovable" »

Tasty tales

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FUgu: A man, is called Taro yada. This one married the Anzu i they work together to the restaurant of his grandson Iku. One day a few Japanese gangsters come of tokio i say to him to the Taro that he has to cook fugu, which is very poisonous. if he cooks vien the fugu, can go to the mafia of tokio. The taro Puts the exact quantity in order that he faints away when one eats it, one eats it, i those of the mafia think that this died. His wife is the only one that save the truth.

what hapened to ms drum when he eat the sougege? he turned in to a where wukf.

What is fugu? why is go expensive? Fugu is a dish made with puffer fish. Its very expensive because just a feu chefs with a special licers a cook it.

Whow does save from a ear accident? MAx`s... Continuar leyendo "Tasty tales" »

Pasado simple

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MY IMAGEN: I always wear trendy clothes. I usually wear jeans and a sweater,or a track suit.howeves,I sometimes wear smart clothes on special occasions,like new year.I never wear hats or caps.vocabulario:carpet-alfombra,collecting things-coleccionar cosas,exit-salida,fashion-moda,funny-gracioso,generous-generoso,library-biblioteca,magazines-revistas,moody-de mal humor,pick up-recoger,take off-despegar,turn on-encender./bracelet-pulsera,dyed hairpelo teñido,earring-pendientes,glasses-gafas,make up-makillar,necklace-collar,ring-anillo,sunglasses-gafas de sol,tatto-tatuaje.casual-ropa de diario,old-fashioned-pasado d moda,scruffy-desaliñado,smart-elegante,sporty-ropa deporte,trendy-a la moda.

presente simple(habitual,frecuencia)always,never,usually,

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