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Vocabulario de ingles y cuantificadores

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tema 8:vocabulary

air conditioner:aire acondicionado     alarm clock:alarma       blender:batidora      drill:taladradora     electric shaver:maquina de afeitar      hairdryer:secador de pelo       iron:plancha      lawnmower:cortacesped       mp4 player:reproductor de musica          sound system:sistema de sonido       vacuum cleaner:aspirador

drums:bateria     saxophone:saxofon         keyboard:teclado         violin:violin  

tema 9:vocabulary

break:romper      carry:traer       dream:soñar      drop:tirar       hug:abrazar         kiss:besar        pick:coger          put:poner       scratch:rascarse   

sneeze:... Continuar leyendo "Vocabulario de ingles y cuantificadores" »

Redacción conditional

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I múltiple choice             IV football, golf
1.B                                      1.G
2.C                                      2.F
3.A                                      3.F
4.A                                      4.F
5.B                                      5.G
6.A                                      6.F
7.B                                      7.G
8.C                                      8.F
II third conditional...      9.
... Continuar leyendo "Redacción conditional" »

Carta en ingles

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                                  8th wednesday

                                  108 ejercito español avenue

                                                Ceuta (spain)

Dear Lorena

My name's Alejandro Martos fernández. I'm twuentu-five years old and

I'm from spain. I live in ceuta, and I work in the supermarket.

My mother is a housewife, her name's Mary , I have got a brother, his

name is quique and he is twenty-seven years old, he is policeman.

My father works in a printer, his name is enrique and he is sisty-four

years old.

My favourite hobby is football, my favourite football team is real madrid.

I like pop music etc..

please write back... Continuar leyendo "Carta en ingles" »


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una vez un gato que se llamaba Goku que robar un pez de una casa,
cuando él salió corriendo vio un pez más grande y fue a cogerlo, pero era de plástico finalmente perdió las dos

Voy a contarte historias de altura. Un día cuando llego a casa, vi puede gato sobre el piano y él estaba tocando. Fue fantástico.

Mi libro favorito es Alatriste, porque es muy interesante. Es la historia de la aventura. El libro habla de una lucha del hombre con su espada

Poesia eta Euskera

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Amodioa: Gaia Maitasuna da, baina ez da betiko maitasun idealizatua, askoz ere desberdina da, ez du antzekorik beste maitasun poemekin. Lehenik eta behin, ez du esaten bere amodioa zein ederra den, ezta zer duen neska, esaten du zer ez den, eta zer ez duen: Goizaren usaineko ahotsa, desertuko errela apala, gazela begiak... Guzti hori aldatu egiten da bigarren azken bi lerroetan, egia agertzen da, neska zer den, eta poeta zer sentitzen duen berarengan. Sinestesia ageri da, ahotsa ezin da usaindu eta. Metafora eta konparazioa ere ageri da (gazela begiak= sensualitatea, ilea arratsaldeko haizea baino leunagoa denik= arratsaldeko haizea leuna da, eta ilearekin konparatzen du.)

Nire aitaren etxea: Egilea Gabriel Aresti, Bilbon jaiotako euskaldunberria,... Continuar leyendo "Poesia eta Euskera" »

Libro Secreto Quimico

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Jhon Duncan: high,thin,45years,gray hair,glasses./David Wilson: business owner, young.

Merry Carter: chemical, short brown hair, beautiful face, 35 years.

Rachel Horslei: wife of Duncan (died in storm)/Andrew: son of Jhon, 13 years.

Cristine: daughter of Jhon, 16years, intelligent, good at sports, stronge.

Simon Macdonald: periodistic, husband of Cristine.

I did not like the end of the book, I wished Cristine forgive his father

and his grandson was  born healthy and I knew him, that there was inconclusive end.

Tim Vicary is a writer and he works at University of York. He has 59 years old

(born in 1949). Lives in North Yorkshine, United Kingdom.

He has also published two chidren's novels, Alfred's Oak, and Frame-Up,

and tow historical novels for adults,... Continuar leyendo "Libro Secreto Quimico" »


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obejcts en una casa :
Sofa ,table, cupboard ,bet,chair,bath,wardrobe,fridge,Computer ,Lamp ,Coat rack ,Pictures
describa su dormitorio :
My bedroom is big, has a cupboard and simultaneously bed is done, to the lao there is an office that is where I leave the books and my things, next to it there is a mueblecito this where the caraoke, arrives this television and below(down) estan the movies and you yield that I have. To the side teng the cupboard where I guard my clothes and it(he,she) arrives the slippers and esoo.en the sueloo there is several knocked down felt.
describa su casa:
My house is not very big but tampoko small, where the door of the street there is a small corridor and to the side the kitchen(cuisine), next to the kitchen(cuisine)
... Continuar leyendo "Tania" »

Lista de verbos irregulares y traducción

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leave:left left dejar,abandonar

lose: lost lost perder
make: made made hacer(matrial)

mean: meant meant significar 

meet:  met met encontrar
pay: paid paid pagar

read: read read leer
ring:rang rung llamar,sonar

rise:rose risen levantarse

run: ran run  correr

say: said said decir
saw seen ver
sold  sold vender
send: sent sent enviar
sing: sang sung cantar
sit: sat sat sentarse
sleep:slept slept dormir

speak:spoke spoken hablar

sweep:swept swept barrer

swim: swam swum nadar
take: took taken coger,llevar

teagh: taught taught enseñar
tell: told told contar
think: thougth thought pensar 

wake: woke woken despertar

wear:wore worn llevar

win: won won ganar 

write:wrote written escribir

Condicionales y tiempos verbales

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accion terminada en el pasado

S + (v+ed)

accion habitual

S+(v+s) + R

plan para una accion futura

S+will+verbo base + R


accion en proceso mientras que otra finalizo. S+Was/were+(v+ing)

accion en proceso. S+Am/is/are+(v+ing)accion que estara en proceso por X tiempo. S+ will be + (v+ing)
perfectoaccion que termino antes de otra accion S+had+v3accion terminada hace poco. S+has/have+v3Primero pasara X, luego Y. S+will have+v3

Primer Condicional: Predecir un futuro resultado.  if + S + Verbo presente + , + sujeto + will + verbo base.

Segundo condicional: Deseos imaginarios y con baja probabilidad.

If + S + Verbo en pasado+ Complemento , Sujeto+ Would o Wouldn't+ Verbo en forma simple+ complemento.

Tercer condicional:... Continuar leyendo "Condicionales y tiempos verbales" »


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Dear Robert

How are you in London? Are you well there? I miss you !

I have not seen you for two years, because I haven’t got any money to travel to London L

On this occasion, I am going to tell you about my best day in my life; it was when I found the girl of my life ♥

It all started when I went to buy some clothes. I was a perfect day, I took my car and I drove to the shop.

When I arrive there, I had an bad premonition, bun I went into the store anyway.

I was testing a T- shirt, when suddenly, I felt that I had to come back, but I did not know why.

I returned very fast.

When I was reaching to my house, I saw a beautiful woman thrown in the floor,

She was very hurt.

Quickly, I went to help her. She said me that she had been robbed.

After that, I took... Continuar leyendo "Writing" »