Apuntes, resumenes, trabajos, examenes y problemas de Inglés de Bachillerato

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Redacciones de esamen

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I think that having many possessions do not bring happiness to people. there are any reasons which support my opinion.//Firstly, have many things is important, but this does not bring happiness, but it may help get.//a person, more things have not happier than the one with few possessions, and that a child with all the consoles out there, the best mobile phone, designer clothes and can not be happy, and a child who has only a simple toy can be the happiest person in the world.//Second, having many possessions can be a problem, since many people would envy, and would be put with people that they had many things//in conclusion, to be happy you do not need many possessions, because happiness is not in them


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Los visitantes fantasmal

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1. De acuerdo con Leonor, lo que fue especialmente alarmante acerca de la historia de fantasmas en primer lugar?
Lo que es especialmente alarmante acerca de la historia de fantasmas en primer lugar, fue el hecho de que el fantasma apareció por primera vez
para el niño pequeño
2. ¿Cómo saber Douglas Catherine Blake, y cuando se conocieron por primera vez?
Douglas sabía Catherine Blake, porque ella era la institutriz de su hermana, y se reunió por primera vez un verano, cuando
Douglas llegó a casa de la universidad.
3. ¿Cuál fue la condición que viene con el trabajo de institutriz, y por qué Lord Henry lo exigen?
La condición era que la persona que se convirtió en la institutriz de Miles y Flora sería completamente... Continuar leyendo "Los visitantes fantasmal" »

Vocabulario ingles: peces, tipos de carne y vegetales

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Tipos de pez
Salmon= salmó - Mussels= muscles - Sole= lenguado - Trout= truita-Squid=calamar - Tuna= atun-Lobster=llangosta-Plaice= palaya - Crab= cangrejo - Snapper= besugo - Prawn= llangost i- Clam= almeja
Tipos de carne
Beef= ternera - Lamb= cordero - Pork= carn de porc - Ham= pernil-Turkey= pavo - Liver= fetge - Veal= ternera - Bacon= beicon - Duck= pato - Kidney= riñon - Guinea fowl= gallina de guinea
Potato= patata - Mushroom= champiñón - Carrot=pastanaga - Onion= cebolla - Cabbage= repollo, col - Turnip= rabanos - Leek= porros - Courgette= calabacin - Aubergine= alberginea - Cauliflower= coliflor - Brussels sprouts= coles de brusselas - Peas= gisantes - Beans= judías - Sweet corn= panocha - Lettuce= lechuga - Cucumber= cogombre... Continuar leyendo "Vocabulario ingles: peces, tipos de carne y vegetales" »

Vocabulario de ingles 2º bachillerato

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Tema 4:

afraid of- asustado break up-separarse common intersts-interese comunes couple-pareja date-cita fall in love with-enamorarse de feel comfortable with-estar a gusto fon of-cariño a get on (your)nerves- poner los pelos de punta have a sense of humour-tener sentido del humor jealous of- envidioso keep in touch- estar en contacto lose friends-perrder amigos lose patience-perder la paciencia   loyalty-lealtad make friends-hacer amigos pleased for -alegre pleased with-satisfecho proud of -orgulloso relative-pariente sense of humour-sentido del humor share common interests -compartir los mismos intereses similar background-procedencia parecida sorry about- pena treat-tratar trust-confianza

Tema 5

airfare - tarifa aerea boring - aburrido camping

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Ingles modelo selectividad

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Addicted to her mobile
1-a)It is a case of addition in which the person experience a high when they recieve a message bleep from their mobile.b)Because she cant live without looking at her mobile every two minutes.2-a)F(line 5)b)F(line 14)c)T(line 4-5)3-a)preoccupied b)nonsensical c)mute d)top 4-1.c 2.b 3.b

Dozens hurt in drunken Spanish protest
2-a)F(line2.16 arrested..)b)T(line1 P3.police..)c)T(line4 P4.up to..)3-a)assembled b)blazes c)clashes d)fired 4-1.b 2.b 3.c

How racist is Britain?
1-a)there are two fact:one(mixed-race marriages comprise Orly 2%)and two(most people mix and marry…background)b)Because many socialising areas very inhospitable to foreign people.2-a)T(line3)b)F(line11)c)T(line ultim)3-a)deeply b)mainly c)plain d)on the rise... Continuar leyendo "Ingles modelo selectividad" »

Redaccion ingles..

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Do you think the internet can become addictive? I think that tre internet has come to a maximum point of need. It is indispensable in ou lives because everybody uses it.so I believe that the internet has some adantages,but some disadvantages too.let me comment on them.//on the one hans,perhaps the most important advantage are that the internet is an opportunity for students,parents or teachers.the internet makes it easy to build social connections,it is a great means for collecting information anr it is a good toll for implementing the idea of freedom of speech./besides,we can shop online without the need to leave our houses.another interesting advantage is entertainment,going into chat rooms or downloading games./on the other hand,the disadvantages... Continuar leyendo "Redaccion ingles.." »

Resumen ingles Brave New world

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Title: Brave new world
Author: Aldous Huxley
1) Where and when does the story take place?
The story begins in London on the future of 500 years of difference to our and  a diferent civilization
2 )in a few sentences, write what the story is about
The story is about a civilization of the future manipulated based methods that radically change society. War and poverty have been eradicated, and everyone is permanently happy.
3 )Who are the main characters?
Bernard Marx, Lenina y Jack
4 )What is their relactionship to one another?
they seek a balance between true love and instant pleasure even when conditions are adverse
5) Who are the minor characters?What are their roles?

Fanny Crowne, friend of Lenina
Lenina Crowne, genetic Worker
Benito Hoover, a friend
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Cuentos de Fantasmas

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1.Sheet, en blanco, por escrito, las luces, los cueros, encuentra, continúe, los desafíos, los jugadores, lo mismo. 2. Él quiere reconocer el asesinato oh su madre. 3. a) Se abrió una puerta que daba a las escaleras y negro se cayó b) que había matado al estudiante en la horca, le c) Dado que hablaba galés d) su soh había muerto veinte años antes en un accidente e) que odia las luces brillantes de la ciudad 4. a) The Stranger in the Mist "b) El fantasma de Autobuses c) La confesión de Charles LinkWorth d) La casa del juez e) Smee 5. Porque él tiene que estudiar para un examen importante, y quieren un lugar en silencio, como tal, como sea posible. 6. La historia que he disfrutado más es Smee. Es emocionante, porque poco a poco, toda... Continuar leyendo "Cuentos de Fantasmas" »

Pasado idiomático

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Used To

Se usa used to + verbo para hablar de hábitos ya pasados y para hablar de estados pasados

Presente Perfecto Simple: presente simple del verbo "to have" (tener, haber) y participio de pasado de otro verbo

Acciones pasadas, que afectan al futuro

Acciones, que empezaron en el pasado y aun siguen

experiencias del pasado, sin tiempo de referencia

Pasado Perfecto Simple: pasado simple del verbo "to have" (tener, haber) y el participio de pasado de otro verbo (Had)

acciones o situaciones que ocurrieron antes de los eventos en el pasado


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Presente simple pasa a pasado simple
 wants some coffee" "He said that Tim wanted some coffee"
Presente continuo pasa a pasado continuo
washing my hair" "She said that she was washing her hair"
Presente perfecto a Pasado Perfecto
has lost her wallet" "He said that Helen had lost her wallet"
Pasado simple a Pasado Perfecto
took my keys" "He said that kate had taken his keys"
Will a Would
will be late" "she said that she would be late"
Pres. Simp.l: "It´s
breacks" "Its broken"
Pres. Cont.: "It´s
breacking" " Its being broken"
Past Simple: "It
broke" "It was broken"
Past Cont: "it
was breacking" "it was being broken"
Present perfect: "It
has broken" "it has been broken"
Past perfect: "it
had broken" "it had been broken"
Futuro will:
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