Apuntes, resumenes, trabajos, examenes y problemas de Inglés de Secundaria

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Infinitive of purpose

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POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS: el pronombre posesivo es otra forma de indicar la posesion pero no acompaña al nombre si no que lo sustituye al igual que el adjetivo posesivo concierda con el poseedor ejemplo this is my bag, it is mine los pronombres posesivos realizan la misma funcion que el nombre al que sustituyen: MINE,YOURS,HIS,HERS,OURS,YOURS,THEIRS. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES: una forma de expresar la psesion es utilizando estos que deben ir adelante  del nombre los adjetivos en ingles concuerdan con el poseedor  en genero y numero y no con la cosa poseida ejemplo it is my magazine, they are my magazines los posesivos sustituyen al articulo al hablar de partes del cuerpo objetos personales prendas de vestir etc. ejemplo i hurt my leg ( me hice daño

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Present perfect y past simple

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"expresa una acción pasada que perdura en el presente"

Se forma con el sujeto+have/has(3ªpersonde del singular)+verbo terminado en -ed si es regular y la tercera columna si son iregulares.


"expresa una acción pasadaque finlizó en el pasado"

 Se forma con el sujeto + verbo terminado en -ed si es regular y segunda columna si es irregular

Para afirmativas: I played tennis.

Para negativas: I dindn´t play tennis.

Para interrogativa: Did you play tennis?

Chivatos para identificar el pasado simple: ago,when,last..., yestarday,in 1990. 

Passive voice

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Use of Passive Passive voice: is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action. Example: My bike was stolen. In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my bike was stolen. I do not know, however, who did it. Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than active voice, as the following example shows: Example: A mistake was made. In this case, I focus on the fact that a mistake was made, but I do not blame anyone (e.g. You have made a mistake.). Form of Passive Subject + finite form of to be + Past Participle (3rd column of irregular verbs) Example: A letter was written. When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following: the object of the... Continuar leyendo "Passive voice" »

Rutinas diarias

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Every day I wake up at seven o’ clock at the morning, I wash my face.
After that I prepare my breakfast and later I dress approximately at quarter past seven.
Afterwards I brush my teeth.
At half past seven I go out, Sometimes I go to work in bike, but almost always I go to work in the car with my fellow worker.
My work starts at eight o' clock at the morning. In my work I work with the leather, because I am in a leather factory.
At half past ten I have breakfast, during the week I only have bread with butter for breakfast because I don’t have time for anything else. But on Saturday and Sunday I have orange juice, white coffee and bread with parma jam for breakfast because I have more time.
At two o'clock I go to home in the car... Continuar leyendo "Rutinas diarias" »

Examen 5,6,7

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surgeon=cirujano,architect= arcitecto,chef,tour guide,
flightattendant=azafata,lawyer=abogado,coach=entrenador,plumper=lampista,vet=veterinario,firefighter =bombero ,soldier.pooverty=pobre sa ,famine=hambre,homelssnes=falta de vivienda.
child labour=explotacio infantil,arms trade=trafico de armas,global warming=escalfament global,endangered animals=animales en peligro de extinción ,disease=malalatia,pollution=contaminacion.
5.-I'm going to a petition.-We're hoping that about 250,000 people will make a donation.will you help to give out leaflets to people in the street?They'll put up posters.we asked people to sign a petition.
Comparative(para comparar cosas o personas)tall=taller long adjective=more expensive, Superlative(para hablar de tres
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Dialogo (jonh)

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Would you like to come to Sussex with my family?
I know a friend who can lend me a car.
On Sunday morning.
Let’s ask…I’m sorry, can you tell me where is the house?
The new Clinton’s house.
Thank you.
Mum. We don’t want to eat more, we are tired .
Yes, of course.
Here it is.

Verbos Modales, imperativo y conectores

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Verbos Modales.

Can = Posibilidad o habilidad (Poder, puedo)
Can´t = No puedo
Could = Pasado de can (podría, podía)
Couldn´t = No podía
May = Posibilidad de hacer algo, permisos (Poder, puedo)
May not = No puede
Might = Posibilidad futura de hacer algo (Podría)
Might not = No podría…….
They might not work
May/ Might + have + verb past = pasado
Must = Seguridad de algo cierto (Debes)
Musn´t = No debes
Must + have + verb past = Pasado
Should = Conveniencia, Obligación (Deberías)
Shouldn´t = No deberias.
.......... He shouldn´t go
Should + have + verb past = Pasado
Would = Ofrecimientos, Invitaciones, Deseos (Gustaría, desearía).
Will = Tiempo futuro
won´t = Negacion del will ….. We won´t help
Ought to = debería
Oughtnt to = no debería

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Final del libro

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Personajes(characters): John Duncan was thin and tall and his age was near the forty-five; Davis Wilson was a young businessman, very (ambicioso, pregunta); Mary Carter was a woman about thirty-five years old with brown hair, a very kindly woman; Christine was the john’s daughter she was sixteen when john took the job, a very clever woman; Andrew was the son of John he was thirteen when his father took the job; Simon Macdonald was the Christine’s husband when she was eighteen years old who worked like a journalist in the local newspaper. Peter and susan: friends of simon.

Autor: Tim Vicary was born in 1949 in United Kingdom, works at Univesity of York, his some of his works like a writer there is a children’s novel: Alfred’s Oak, and... Continuar leyendo "Final del libro" »

The queen and i (2)

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Chapter 1Why do you think the Queen didn’t want a Republican governmentto be elected?Because the Republican Party don’t support the Monarchy.What did Jack Barker tell the Royal Family about their new homes?He told them that they’ll all be in the same street on a council state as an ordinary citizen of this country.What did Jack Barker do with the Queen’s crown and what do you think this signified?He threw the crown into the crowd below. I think this signified that the Monarchy has been over thrown.Chapter 2Describe Beverley and Tony Threadgold.Tony Threadgold was wearing a T-shirt and jeans and Beverley was fat and blonde, wearing clothes a size to small for her. They were husband and wife.List five things the Queen observed in Hell... Continuar leyendo "The queen and i (2)" »


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Hi Paula

How are you? Did you have a good time last weekend?

On Saturday, Peter and I went to a disco because Peter wanted to dance. On Sunday I did my homework and I watched the television.

What about next weekend? What are your plans? On Saturday is the birthday of Jane so I organize a surprise party for her.

On sunday Cristina and I go to the cinemabecause she want to see the new film.

Do you want to come? Tell me soon because I need time for buy the tickets.

That's all for now. Let me know that you did last weekend and what your plans are for next weekend.
