Apuntes, resumenes, trabajos, examenes y problemas de Inglés

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Last summer I went to the Coliseum to Roma with my best friends Yuneida and Yanira. Roma is a beautiful place to go to visit tourist and to go to the shops. Roma is very sunny and hot. My friends and I stay in a five star hotel.

When we arrived Roma we met three boys, and they helped us with suitcases. They called Semei, Echedey and Henry and were very handsome. Then we went to the visiting to Coliseum with our new friends. Later we had dinner at a restaurant with them and finally went to the disco.

One day when I was talking to Echedey, my friends Semei and Yuneida we took a photograph and told us we were dating

During the holidays I was all the time happy and calm. The best to the visit was meet new people and going to Coliseum.

Last summer... Continuar leyendo "Redaccion" »

Bio 2

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El interior terrestre se estudia de diversos modos indirectos:

- Método sísmico: Consiste en analizar los ecos debidos al rebote de ondas sonoras producidas por una pequeña explosión provocada en la superficie.
- Método gravimétrico: Detecta las pequeñas variaciones del campo gravitatorio debidas a la distribución de las masas rocosas en el interior terrestre. Las rocas ligeras producen una anomalía gravimétrica negativa, mientras que las rocas densas producen una anomalía gravimétrica positiva.
- Mediciones de isótopos: Permite saber con exactitud la temperatura del agua en la que vivió un organismo.
- Dataciones radiométricas: Sirven para conocer la edad de una muestra de roca.
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My best summer

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Currently there is many crimen because the younght have an antisocial behaviour. It is due to teenagers spend their free time playing violence videogames or watching television programmes. However the majority of people blame the parents for this bad situation, furthermore they don't have respect for their families. That way isn't correct. The laws should be harder and ban that everybody could do that they want. Drawing on my opinion it is necessary to change these laws for development of society.

My best summer ever:

Last summer holidays has been the best. I travelled to New York with my family. I learned pretty English with my cousins. I visited "La Estatua de la Libertad". We went to California, and the beach. I hope come back soon. I met... Continuar leyendo "My best summer" »

Ventajas y desventajas de tener tu propio coche

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 V/DSv (TENER PROPIO COCHE)¹ Cars are today something useful for society. However there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages when owning a car. /²/In my opinion and one of the advantages is that you can move around freely because you can decide the place you can visit and when to go. Furthermore you do not waste time waiting for buses or depending on timetables. Other advantage is that it does not take you so long to go to different places. /³/On the other hand, they are polluting and they are dangerous because a lot of people are irresponsable when driving as they drink or drive dangerously or speed. Other disadvantage is that they are very expensive. Not only to buy them but also to keep them. Petrol is also expensive and the maintanance.

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Formal letter

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Formal/ Informal

No contractions/Contractions

Formal set phrases(I look forward to hear from you)/Informal set phrases

Fromal greetings (dear madam)/ Informal greetings

Formal vocabulary/ Informal vocabulary

Indirect questions/Direct questions

Not using phrasal verbs/Using phrasal verbs

Complex sentence structure/simpler sentence structure

Use of the passive voice/ Use of the active voice

Use semi colons/Use exclamation marks


In a narrative we tell a story or we recount an event who had succeed. It can be true or imaginary.

Structure: Give to the story a good beginning, middle and end. Content: We have to make our story as interesting and exciting as its possible. We have to use variety of verbs, adjectives and adverbs to add interest to the... Continuar leyendo "Formal letter" »


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An American architect, Guy Haines, is on his way to Metcalf to meet his wife, Miriam. On the train, he has dinner with a young man, Charles Bruno, who becomes drunk tells him that he hates his father, and suggests that he should murder Miriam, who Guy doesnt love and wants to divorce, and Guy should murder his father. This would be the perfect murder. Guy decided never to see Bruno again, but Bruno is mad, looks for Miriam and murders her.
Guy tries to live a normal life with Anne. But Bruno threatens to tell the police that Guy paid him to kill Miriam unless Guy kills his father.
Guy feels trapped in the situation and finally he murders Brunos father. He hates Bruno, but at the same time feels a terrible bond with him.
Meanwhile, a detective,

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Ellie is the wife of the policeman Pascoe. Pascoe is investigating Patrick for a few murders and is for this that Ellie becomes a friend of Daphne, the wife of Patrick.
One day the two girls are going to drink a coffee and from there they start being very friends. Daphne ends up by telling to Ellie that her husband, Patrick, was involved in a few murders, and Ellie tells her that her husband was investigating.
Though Ellie not want to use her friendship with Daphne to extract information about Patrick and then told to her husband, but she do it.
Ellie has a daughter, Rose, who is a baby.And Ellie knows many companions of work of her husband, as Wield, Dalziel or Singh, which the latter it they present in the cafe.

The ghostly vistiros

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Prologue: 1.according to Eleanor, what was especially frightening about the first ghost story? They fact that the ghost first appeared to the small child. 2. How did Douglas know Catherine Blake, and when did they first meet? They met one summer when I came home from university. 3. What was the condition that came with the job of governess, and why did Lord Henry demand it? The condition of working as a governess was that had to be responsible for the children and watching them all day. Henry lord needed a governess because he was busy with work. Chapter 1: 4. What was Catherines first impression of little flora? She thought flora was like a religious painting, had a very angelic face. 5. What two things were strange on Catherines first evening... Continuar leyendo "The ghostly vistiros" »

Ghost Stories

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1.Sheet, blank, written, lights, hides, finds, continue, challenges, players, same. 2. He want to recognize the murder oh his mother. 3. a)She opened a door which led to black stairs and she fell down b)he had killed the student by hanging him c)Because he spoke Welsh d)his soh had died twenty years earlier in an accident e) he hate the shining lights of the city 4. a) The Stranger in the Mist b) The ghost Coach c) The confession of Charles Linkworth d) The judge's house e) Smee 5. Because he have to study for an important exam, and he want a quietly place as such as possible. 6. The story i've enjoyed most is Smee. It is exciting, because slowly, all the people in the house, feel that something is wrong. Things like this make feel us in... Continuar leyendo "Ghost Stories" »

GREAT expectations

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1   a   Orlick, lazy      b   Mrs Joe (Pip’s sister), thin, scolding

     c   Pip, gentleman       d   Joe, gentle, kind

2   a   Wemmick      b   Herbert

     c   Magwitch      d   Jaggers

     e   Pumblechook

3   a   Miss Havisham      b   Estella

     c   Mrs Joe      d   Jaggers

     e   Orlick

4    a.   10         b.   7        c.   8          d.   4

     e.   3           f.   5          g.   1         h.    2

     i.    6           j.    9

5   a ... it was ugly, crowded and dirty.

     b ... he was the pale gentleman he had fought at Miss Havisham’s.

     c ..... Continuar leyendo "GREAT expectations" »